Join CAN and HOME’s Arts and Migration Group meetings

Community Arts North West and HOME host a free Arts and Migration Group at HOME three times a year.

The events take place in the early evening at HOME.

The Arts and Migration Group is a network of artists, freelancers, facilitators, and producers who have lived experience of migration.

We want to welcome everyone to the group, whether you work in visual art, photography, music, film, or theatre.

The Arts and Migration Group’s meetings typically include discussions on local priorities, work by artists from a forced migration background, and ideas for festival programming for the Horizons Festival, co-produced by HOME and CAN and taking place in June at HOME during Refugee Week.

As well as supporting the development of the Horizons Festival, the meetings are a great place to meet fellow artists and connect with staff from CAN and HOME.

The group is a supportive space to network and share ideas and opportunities.

Catering is provided, and an agenda is sent out in advance.

New members are welcome to join the network meetings and social events.

For more information or to join the group: or

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