Sue Fletcher
I’m a Marketing and Audience Development Consultant. I come from a working-class background and I’m particularly interested in working with organisations who “walk the walk” rather than “talk the talk” in their work with people who supposedly “aren’t interested in being creative”. CAN really do walk the walk as a sincere and expert organisation.
Like CAN, I believe people are inherently creative and I know there are significant barriers for working-class people to experience and create art. I’ve long admired CAN’s philosophy of genuine co-creation and its commitment to working shoulder to shoulder with the people of Greater Manchester.
CAN has always inspired me, and it’s motivated me to build my career working in organisations and alongside people who share the same values as CAN.
Being Chair of CAN’s Board of trustees up until 2010 will always be a highlight in my career. Since being the Chair, I’ve kept in touch with CAN, attended events, freelanced for them, and updated my digital skills on one of their training projects.
Quite rightly, CAN is viewed as an organisation that excels and it’s cited by its funders as a best practice organisation for its pioneering work.